Publication day is here! Today, Lightly goes on sale everywhere and my heart is full of sparkles and rainbows. 🙂 You can find it at Amazon, Audible, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, Hudson, Indiebound, Target, Walmart, 800-CEO-Read, HMH and more. Many thanks and lots of love to all of you who preordered it—I am deeply grateful for your support.??

This book is so special to me: I first started practicing minimalism in 1999, and this beautiful little volume contains all the knowledge, experience, and inspiration I’ve accumulated over twenty years. It’s my very best advice on living a simple and serene life, and I’m thrilled to finally have it out in the world. (If you missed the details and backstory, you can read about it here.)

Lightly is so much more flexible, forgiving, and far-reaching than other decluttering programs. You don’t have to follow any rules, do everything at once, or do anything in order. You don’t have to fold or arrange or organize your stuff in any special way. You don’t have to make a big production about paring down your stuff. And you don’t have to stop with your stuff…Lightly helps you lighten every aspect of your life (your schedule, your stress, your spirit, and more).

If you thought you could never be minimalist, Lightly will change your mind. If you’ve tried and failed, Lightly will show you an easier way. If you’ve already decluttered, but haven’t achieved the serenity you’re seeking, Lightly will lift the drudgery from your days and the weights from your heart. It’ll help you take your first step, or your next step, down the minimalist path.

It’s really amazing how a simple mantra can make your excess naturally fall away—not only in your home, but in every part of your life.

I hope you’ll read it—and if you find it helpful or inspiring, tell a friend, family member, or colleague about it. Minimalism has grown over the years, but is still far from mainstream. I’d love to reach even more people with this book, for I truly believe that when we live lightly, we make a better life not only for ourselves, we become better citizens of the world.

I don’t write for riches, and I don’t write for fame (I am actually quite content without both). I write because it’s my reason for being. And that’s why I’m so very, very grateful to you for supporting my work—you keep a roof over my head and food on my table so I can keep writing. You spread the word so much better than I could ever do (I’m not much of a marketer). And you inspire me, each and every day, with your comments and messages and emails. Lightly is my thank you note, my love letter, and my invitation to you to continue walking this path with me.

Lightly is our book, so let’s celebrate together! I would love if you’d share photos of it “in the wild”—on your coffee table or nightstand, or if you spot it at your local Target or bookstore or anywhere else. Send me a pic, or tag me on Twitter or Instagram, so we can all see where it turns up. Hugs and kisses, and thank you so much for being part of this with me!

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