Fill your life with stories to tell, not stuff to show.

The simplicity/minimalism movement is a beautiful community. And I enjoy any opportunity to promote writing that encourages people to live more by owning less.

I invite you to fix yourself a nice cup of coffee, cocoa, or tea. Find a quiet moment this weekend. And enjoy some encouraging words to inspire more simplicity in your life today.

The Life-Changing Joy of Tidying My Prison Cell | Prison Journalism Project by Leo Cardez. It’s not the KonMari Method. But the Convict Method shares a similar result.

Why Good Enough is Better than the Best | The Tiny House of Happiness by Daniel Torrance. For many of us, the temptation is to think that changing our external circumstances, whether that means buying a bigger house, getting a promotion at work, owning nicer clothes, or upgrading our smart phone, will make us happier.

Common Problems in Life That Minimalism Can Solve | No Sidebar by Mollie Donghia. I’ll share six common problems that many of us face and how practicing minimalism can be the key towards moving forward.

Most Phone Use is a Tragic Loss of Life | Raptitude by David Cain. Given the way that you use your phone, what really is being gained, what really is being lost, and will you be happy having made the exchange?

1440. If you are looking for unbiased, summarized news headlines, 1440 is a free daily newsletter that both Kim and I have been enjoying. They do a great job of curating important and interesting news headlines—presented without any political bias. It’s like a breath of fresh air! And I thought you might like it too.

Flying with Just a Carry-on Can Save You Money and Stress. Here’s How to Do it with Ease. | Arizona Republic by Michael Salerno. As the spring break travel season approaches, consider flying with just a carry-on bag this time. It may mean selecting your items judiciously and leaving a few things behind, but you’ll save money on fees as well as time because you won’t have to stand in line to check your bag or crowd around the luggage carousel to retrieve it.

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