Weekend Wisdom: The problem usually isn’t your organizing skills or how you manage your time. The problem is that you are dealing with too much.

I’m better with a few things.

If you already have your eye on the new year, and the simplicity changes you want to make, allow me to share some gentle encouragement. I’m not a very organized person. That’s why living with less works so well for me. There is less to keep track of, less to lose and less to think about. I rarely lose my keys or wonder where my glasses are. That said, I do occasionally look for my phone while I’m on my phone (tell me I’m not alone). This isn’t for lack of being organized. I tried to be organized. I diligently sorted and filed things. I even had a label maker and lots of bins and boxes and cabinets from Ikea. It looked nice and it didn’t last. I always had to keep organizing my stuff and “getting my sh*t together” and eventually I got tired of it. I didn’t want more stuff for my stuff, I didn’t want to get organized, I wanted to live my life.

I understand the idea of being organized, and the benefit of having organizational systems and routines but I also see that most of these systems were just created to help us save everything and store more stuff and get more done so we can bask in the glow of our productivity. I don’t care about those things. One of the reasons we are so easily overwhelmed is because we have so much to deal with. By turning your focus from organizing to living with less, you can create more margin so when bigger things happen they don’t completely upend your life. You need a buffer and some margin for the unexpected. Let’s face it, if organizing worked, you’d be organized by now. Owning less is gentler than organizing more.

Ok … onto the favorites

I have a regular rotation of holiday movies and am adding this one to the line up.

10 cool things happened when I quit drinking alcohol.

Until I get back to one of my favorite cities, I’ll be pretending I’m there with this playlist.

My December wish for you.

If you’d like to avoid relationship problems during the holidays, read this.

A beautiful way to let go.

It’s time for our annual FAVORITES episode on the Soul & Wit Podcast. Tune in here.

This is a great way to decide if you want to commit to something you are unsure about.

Currently reading this book and this new release is up next.

This is one of the best (and simplest) recipes for peanut butter blossoms.

Tired of unwanted food comments? Here’s some good advice.

Note to self.

Maybe we need a napping lesson from the chinstrap penguins.

How to cope with existential dread.

If you need something to smile out, check out these rainbow buildings.

This is why nothing I own is very special.

Swapping big dreams for small satisfactions. A lovely read.

The science of forest bathing.

For a lighter new year, leave these 7 heavy things behind in 2023.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @herpsychology with a reminder that it’s usually the simplest words that mean the most.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a beautiful, restorative, fun weekend.


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