Weekend Wisdom: That moment when you think you don’t have time to take care of yourself, is the exact moment you have to take care of yourself.

It’s a book tree!

I’m going to tell you about that beautiful book tree in a moment but first I thought I’d tell you about all of the things I’m not doing so I can enjoy the holidays. I’m not sending holiday cards. I’m not going to every holiday event. I’m not staying up late, rushing around, buying extra holiday decor, watching extra tv to fit in all the holiday movies or any of the other things that seemed to tip the scales from holiday joy to holiday burnout. This is what works best for me. Some of the things I mentioned may be an important part of your holidays and that’s ok. Pay attention to your time and energy though and if it’s running a little low, think about dropping a few things. Now, onto what I am doing! Every year, I attend the December, Literary League book club event that my daughter hosts. She loves reading, authors, bookstores and all things books. One of her holiday traditions is building a book tree. Here’s how she did it. The book tree is wonderful but she also built something more important, a beautiful community of women who love to read. They get together every month and talk about books and food and life and I’m always grateful to participate each December.

Ok … onto the favorites

24 ways to simplify your life in 2024.

A peaceful easy feeling playlist.

Dinner tonight. (NYT gift link)

For a light-hearted podcast that might even make you laugh a little, tune in here.


If you struggle to declutter, consider these 10 little things.

How to handle holiday burnout.

My disco ball tree.

8 ways to make holiday cooking much less stressful this year.

I just finished reading this book and this one.

To better understand what hoarding really is, I want to listen to this.

A decluttering philosophy I support.

Print is better than digital for comprehension according to this study.

How to declutter when you want to keep everything.

Are you consuming news or is news consuming you? Here’s how to be more mindful.

4 grown up habits that are painful at first but worth it.

Your brain will benefit when you are more charitable.

This was a complete joy.

To let go with more ease, check out these 7 decluttering articles.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @wetheurban to remind you that you can make letting go of things easier on yourself by not holding on so tight.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a beautiful, restorative, fun weekend.

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