There is no shortage of decluttering articles out there but they may not be exactly what you are looking for. While I don’t consider myself a decluttering expert, I do advocate for decluttering with more ease and taking care of you instead of just taking care of your stuff. Social media can make it look like decluttering your whole home happens overnight which can be frustrating if it takes you a few months or years (like it did for me). There are so many ways to simplify your life and decluttering is just one of them. Letting go of stuff and clutter is a great way to start because you can make space around you and within you to better understand what you want to simplify next.

7 Decluttering Articles To Help You Let Go With More Ease

We don’t have to suffer through decluttering. Instead make it easy with straight forward lists and guides or inspiration when it feels like your decluttering isn’t moving fast enough. As you continue your decluttering journey, pay attention to how much time and energy you have to devote to each project. If you notice that you need to slow down or ask for help, give yourself permission to do what is best for you.

1. 63 Things To Declutter By The End Of The Year

In this decluttering article you’ll find 63 items to release in categories like closet, kitchen, digital, habits and more. Having a list immediately provides more ease because you don’t have to make decisions about where to start or what to include. Instead of starting a new year with the chore of decluttering weighing you down, get a head start by moving slowly and thoughtfully decluttering for a few minutes each day. Each of these categories and recommendations involve several items so by the end of the year, you’ll declutter and let go of hundreds of things. You’ll be surprised how much lighter your home and your heart feels by the end of the year.

2. 10 Little Things To Remember If You Struggle To Declutter

Read this decluttering article to remove the stress you are putting on yourself. If you struggle to declutter, you are not alone. Decluttering can be a frustrating process especially if you’ve been doing the opposite for more of your life. Choose a couple of these little reminders to motivate yourself when you are struggling to declutter. Your home didn’t get cluttered overnight. It was a slow build. It will take time to let go of your stuff. Quick tip: You can create some decluttering inspiration in your home by clearing one small space and keeping it clear. Consider it a little simplicity sanctuary.

3. 10 Gentle Rules For Decluttering

These rules for decluttering aren’t rules about which room to start with or how long to declutter each day. The rules don’t include specific decluttering methods, or tell you what you should or shouldn’t own. Instead, these rules of decluttering are here to …

  • help you let go
  • encourage you feel good about decluttering
  • help you create space
  • inspire you keep going when it feels like stuff is winning

From duplicates, keepsakes, unwanted gifts, folders of paperwork and baskets, bins or storage containers, you may be feeling like you have too much stuff. The decision-making required when it comes to what to save, trash or bring to a donation center can be overwhelming. Keep simplifying the process and check in on how you are feeling. Don’t feel pressure to declutter your entire home. You might start with a drawer or kitchen counter instead.

4. Transform Your Home With The 30-Day Decluttering Challenge

Decluttering can feel like an endless project that takes forever. However, you can make real progress with a clear guide, consistent attention, and by taking small steps daily. Try this 30-day Declutter Challenge: commit to decluttering 10 minutes a day. Each day, focus on a specific area in your home to declutter. Don’t forget to modify this challenge based on your needs and schedule. Please remember to donate, recycle, and properly dispose of stuff that you don’t need. This challenge is a great way to tidy up your home, and help those in need through donations. Good luck and have fun!

5. Where To Donate Stuff: The Ultimate Guide

Sometimes the hardest part of decluttering is figuring out where to donate your stuff. We put together The Ultimate Guide To Donate Stuff to add some ease to your decluttering journey. The Ultimate Guide is broken up into categories like general goods, clothing, electronics, crafts, books, etc. Also, you’ll find a summary of what the organizations do and what they need. I hope this list will motivate you to donate your stuff to a good cause, and serve as a resource for folks who are interested in donating stuff but may not know where to start.

6. Declutter Clothes: 10 Steps to End Closet Chaos

For extra inspiration, start with this decluttering article to help you let go of clothing. When you declutter clothes from your closet and your life, you create space for more ease. You create mornings with fewer decisions and you get to wear your favorite things every day. Start with one piece of clothing at a time. It doesn’t matter if you start with pants, blouses, jeans or a skirt. This decluttering process may take time but with the steps below, you’ll have a decluttered closet before you know it.

7. How To Declutter Your Home: 10 Tiny Tasks To Start

I was often searching for the perfect, how to declutter your home solution and hoping for speedy decluttering tips but nothing really fit my daily routine or lifestyle. I thought about my closet, the piles of paper in the office, utensils and small appliances in my kitchen and don’t even get me started on the living room, laundry room and other storage spaces. Instead of all my big picture how to declutter your home questions, I just needed somewhere to start. Use these 10 Tiny Tasks as a place to start simplifying your life.

Use one or more of these articles to support your decluttering efforts. It won’t happen overnight, but step by step and coffee cup by book by scarf, you can make space to move through life with more peace and ease.

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