Weekend Wisdom: If you crave a slow, spacious holiday season remember this … it’s easier to take back a no than to take back a yes.

In my comfort zone.

I’m spending time with my family in a lovely, local mountain town. The fire is crackling and I haven’t been out of leggings or joggers in days. We’ve enjoyed movies, games, pie, coffee and an overnight snow storm. I’m not working much but I did print a copy of Gentle, so I am reading it on paper for the first time. I’m not done writing it but I knew it was time to hold the words in my hands. This time last year I was working on the book proposal and the year prior was full of other book ideas that never got off the ground. By the time the book comes out in early 2025, it will be years in the making. I can’t wait to share it with you.

Ok … onto the favorites

5 slow living gifts to enjoy (by the end of the year).

Before you shop the sales this weekend, read this.

99 things money can’t buy.

If you need a lazy afternoon, turn on this playlist.

How to stay calm while traveling.

Tis the season to unplug with a social media detox.

10 things to remove from your closet.

Currently reading this book and listening to this one.

How to feel less lonely.

Ease your holiday anxiety with these 5 suggestions.

3 things to do after an incredibly draining family visit.

I’m coming around to this idea.

31 Days of Gifts starts on Friday!

If you need a spa day, here are 6 DIY face mask ideas that sound lovely.

Note to self.

We kicked off the holiday season with this movie, and this one.

Holiday no-ing inspiration.

5 things to declutter in 5 minutes

If you need a little patience, these 3 practices will help.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @nidhikushshah if you need a little help with your to-do list.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a beautiful, restorative, gentle weekend.

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