Weekend Wisdom: Maybe the opposite of being all caught up is not being behind but being relaxed.


I’m going to keep this one short with my wish for all of us.
Less clutter, more twinkle lights.
Less judging, more accepting.
Less wanting, more giving.
Less stress, more magic.
Less guilt, more peace.
Less hustle bustle,
more silent

Ok … onto the favorites


End the year with more peace and ease with these 5 simple shifts.

Butter sleigh rides.

For a little weekend holiday-ing, enjoy this short album.

11 things you can do for yourself that only take 60-seconds a day.

My holiday baking rotation is growing with this cookie.

Ask these questions if you feel like you need to push through and catch up.

We went out looking at lights this week and drove by this place.

4 ways to practice minimalism without decluttering.

This time last year, I shared this.

End of year rituals: how we hold on and let go.

I love being a part of these Christmas hacks and traditions.

The worst time of day to be productive (and what to do about it).

I continue to be inspired by her.

How early to get to the airport for your flight.

If you are feeling lonely, one of these 6 tips may help.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @positivelypresent with a few lovely winter reminders.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of joy, peace and love.


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