Weekend Wisdom: I don’t know who needs to hear this but … you can return that.

Writing and celebrating.

This last little week of the year is always a favorite. Everything seems to slow down. No one knows what day it is and there is a little more space for relaxing and reflecting. I’ve been spending time in the early mornings before the sun comes up finding the final few words for my new book, Gentle. I can’t believe I’m almost finished. I also took some time out to reflect on the writing that came before and to celebrate the six year anniversary of my first book, Soulful Simplicity. The book was released at the end of 2017 which means I was writing it eight years ago in 2015. So much has changed in my life over the last eight years but one thing remains the same. Living with less continues to lead to so much more.

Ok … onto the favorites

Oh my goodness, yes.

10 tiny habits for the new year that won’t wear you out.

I’m almost finished reading this book and getting ready to listen to this one.

11 simple self care tips for kids (that work for adults too).

If holiday socializing drained your battery, recover with these tips.

A playlist for a quiet New Year’s Eve at home (my favorite kind).

Project 333 got a little shout out in this podcast about being happier.

Frugal vs. Independent

I can’t believe it’s been six years since I published this.

10 ways to support your mental health. (NYT gift link)

Wow! Such good news.

A course from The Minimalists to help you simplify everything.

The most borrowed books from NYC libraries this year.

The top 3 Be More With Less Articles from 2023: One, Two, and Three.

3 secrets to becoming a confident cook.

If you are thinking about a reset, here are 20 ways to get started.

10 cool things that happened when I stopped drinking alcohol.

If you want to relieve stress in your life, try box breathing.

How to make a decision.

I love her little bookstore.

Yum. (NYT gift link)

Today’s Instagram favorite is from @thelifeonpurposemovement with some beautiful wisdom to carry into the new year.I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of joy, peace and love.

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