Weekend Wisdom: Remove the things that remove you from your life.

On the road again.

Soon, I’ll tell you where I’ve been, what I saw, ate, read and experienced. For now, if you want to simplify your life with less stress and more ease, sign up for the free Tiny Step Simplicity Audio Series here. You can listen to it like you listen to a podcast to short episodes that will relieve all pressure to be a new you for the new year. Instead, let’s take a softer approach to the new year.

Ok … onto the favorites

So tempting. (NYT gift link)

To simplify your life this year, try one of these 12 tiny steps.

Non-negotiables for connection in the new year.

Let’s just skip the New Year’s resolutions.

A playlist for chill morning relaxing.

The Soul & Wit Podcast is back with a little catch up.

7 organizing trends that never last.

If it’s time to put yourself first, try this.

How to find a great therapist.

I am reading this book.

7 daily rituals for a tidy home.

I want to watch this movie.

How the voluntary simplicity movement helps when changing careers.

I’ve read 18 books on this list.

The case for mediocrity.

The next time you feel your worth is nothing, maybe you’re at the wrong place.

7 things I’ve learned by wearing the same things over and over again.

27 of the best decluttering tips.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @find_yourgold reminding us that while simplifying may not always be easy, it makes everything easier.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of fun, rest and love.


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