Weekend Wisdom: Instead of adding things for more happiness, try subtracting them.

More laughter and daylight.

Now that we are well into the second month of 2024, I thought it would be a good time to re-invite you to make a more / less list or simply identify one thing you want more of and one thing you want less of in your day, your year or your life. Instead of new year’s resolutions or trying to change who I am, short lists of things I want more of (like creativity and connection) and things I want less of (like screen time and being bothered about things outside of my control) remind me that tiny steps and small shifts make a big difference.

Ok … onto the favorites



Today’s Instagram favorite is from @tinybuddhaofficial with some challenging and life-changing words of wisdom.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of decluttering, rest and love.


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