Weekend Wisdom: You can remove a significant amount of stress from your life, simply by reducing the number of items in your wardrobe. 

A cozy spot to read.

If I don’t go the gym in the morning, you’ll find me in that chair reading with my coffee close by, on the table, nestled up against the plant. Because my work is always nearby, I have to resist digging in first thing. Sometimes I’m tempted to check email or work on something new but I know that if I don’t take care of myself first, I can’t bring the energy I want to bring when it’s time to work. Since working from home became a thing and the pandemic had most of us blending all parts of our lives, the work/life lines got blurry. They still are sometimes but I protect my mornings. We have to protect what’s important to us, not at all costs because things happen, but as gently and as consistently as we can.

Ok … onto the favorites



Today’s Instagram favorite is from @yung_pueblo with a reminder to pause, breathe, take a walk, drink some water and wait until you are ready to respond.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of simplicity, rest and love.


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