Weekend Wisdom: Maybe the opposite of being all caught up isn’t being behind, but being relaxed.

The groundhog was wrong.

Last week, we had one of our bigger winter storms. There was wind, thunder and snow. The power went out for a few hours and we made the best of it with a candlelight dinner cooked outside on the grill. That was fun and I’m ready for spring now. Bring it on daylight savings. Give us all the light.

Ok … onto the favorites

For a simpler life, let go of these 7 things.

Why we can’t stop rushing. (NYT gift link)

I’m currently reading this book.

How to have more meaningful conversations.

For background music when writing or reading, try this.

Fitness Microdosing.

I’m not quite ready for this level of deep cleaning. Maybe I need more spring first.

Why I stopped filling up all the empty spaces.

We don’t have to justify this anymore.


For challenging emotions, try this 12-minute guided meditation.

10 tips to help you cope with the daylight savings time change.

I love these mindset shifts.

This show is fascinating.

So many of my favorite movies are on this list.

10 tiny tasks to help declutter your home.

If you work for home, you’ll appreciate these tips.

All it takes is a quick walk.

Join me for the next season of the Project 333 challenge!


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @nidhikushshah with my favorite reminder … rest.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Daylight Savings Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of rest, simplicity and love.


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