Sixteen years ago, we made a decision to remove the unneeded physical possessions from our lives.
At the time, this decision stemmed from two emerging realities: first, the financial strain of sustaining our lifestyle, and second, the growing realization of how much time and energy our possessions consumed.
Although I would not have been able to articulate it as well at the time (I was just tired of cleaning and organizing), deep down we understood that our resources were finite and we couldn’t afford to waste them endlessly chasing material things.
As I can see now, the decision to let go is entirely life-giving.
Soon after that decision, it became even more clear to us that we are finite creatures on this earth. We receive only one life to live, with a limited number of days, and only a finite set of resources to accomplish our purpose.
Think about it. Almost all the resources we consume during our journey here on earth are limited: money, time, energy, attention, physical space, relationships, mental capacity, our bodies, talents, and even natural resources.
This reality of our limitations is actually an incredibly important truth. And it’s one we should intentionally choose to focus on each day. Because when we do, it changes our actions, our motivations, and our pursuits. It changes us and how we live. By embracing our limits, we unlock a richer life.
On the other hand, when we lose sight of this fact, we are more likely to squander our resources. For example:
- When we lose focus on the limits of our money, we sink deeper and deeper into debt.
- When we lose focus on the limits of our time, we let it slip away day by day, year by year.
- When we lose focus on the limits of our energy, we spend it on foolish pursuits.
- When we lose focus on the limits of our mental capacity, we fill our minds with trivial facts.
- When we lose focus on the limits of physical space, we fill it with unnecessary things.
- When we lose focus on the limits of relationships, we miss opportunities right in front of us.
But when we live in light of our finiteness, we are more motivated to choose to trade up. We become more thankful for the resources at our disposal. We seek to intentionally develop our gifts and invest them in worthwhile pursuits. We work to remove the distractions and the clutter holding us back. We simplify life to focus on the most important. We begin each day focusing on its potential and make every day count. And we reorient our lives for lasting impact.
In that way, living in light of our limitations means we end up valuing the time we spend with loved ones, the energy we put into our passions, and the space we create for rest and productivity. By doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also leave a lasting impact on the world around us.
Our one life is too valuable to waste chasing the wrong version of more. Instead, let’s pursue better—better use of our resources, better relationships, better versions of ourselves, and a better world.
Because the world needs the best version of ourselves, and we have only one life to give. So let’s live it well.