In this public episode of The Minimalists Podcast, The Minimalists are joined by Amanda Montell, author of The Age of Magical Overthinking, to discuss information overload, thought clutter, and much more. Listen to the full Maximal episode on The Minimalists Private Podcast.

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Discussed in This Episode

  • What habits will help me avoid being overwhelmed by information clutter?
  • How does overplanning prevent us from executing our plans?
  • When does research get in the way of creativity?
  • Does too much imagination suppress our intuition?
  • In our current age of unlimited information, how has overthinking affected you?
  • When is The Minimalists’ next live event?
  • Listener tip: How one listener deals with book clutter.
  • How does overthinking create unrealistic expectations that make us miserable?
  • What are some examples of the Halo Effect?
  • When does minimalism turn into a selfish pursuit?
  • What is the bigger purpose of simplifying?
  • Who is exploited the most by the different flavors of consumerism?
  • What can you tell us about overconfidence bias?
  • Where do we find confirmation bias in our everyday lives?
  • What is the problem with manifestation?
  •  Is “conspiracy theorist” the most effective thought-terminating cliche?
  • More About Less: A Toxic Relationship Is a Cult of One

Minimal Maxims

Joshua, Ryan, and T.K.’s pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character responses. Find more quotes from The Minimalists at

  • Overthinking is the wellspring of suffering.
  • Consumerism is the ideology that more will make you better.
  • Overthinking dulls the wisdom found in action: if your thoughts stop your feet, you’re not really thinking.
  • An excess of information creates a shortage of insight.
  • Overthinking is carbon monoxide for the soul.
  • Freedom is not found in a well-decorated prison cell.
  • To worry is to pray for something bad to happen.

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