Your home is your sanctuary. Let’s keep it that way.

Simplicity is about creating space in your life for what matters most. It’s about clearing the clutter from our homes and hearts so we can live with intention and purpose. 

As the world gets busier and noisier, embracing simplicity and minimalism becomes even more important.

But we all need inspiration to keep us going. That’s why I carefully selected these articles for you. I hope they inspire you to continue on this beautiful journey towards a simpler life. 

Find a cozy spot, prepare your favorite drink, and immerse yourself in these thought-provoking reads this weekend.

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Ever Become a Minimalist | No Sidebar. Here are 10 absolutely terrible reasons why you should definitely steer clear of this dreadful lifestyle.

Lighten the Load: The Army’s Plan to Save Time by Shedding Excess Gear | Army Times by Todd South. A recent pilot program now making its way across the force aims to clear out the junk cluttering a unit’s space and free up time for soldiering.

Glimpse Into Man’s Minimalist Lifestyle Has Viewers Hooked | Newsweek by Maria Azzurra Volpe. My outdated kitchen still keeps me fed. My worn out shoes still protect my feet. My untrendy water bottle still keeps my water cold. My outdated headphones still bring me the songs I love. A grateful and minimal life is a beautiful one.

15 Reasons You’ll Love Living in a Smaller Home | Simple Money by Richard James. The median home size for newly constructed houses has increased by 150% since 1980—all while the median family size gets smaller and smaller. But there are many reasons to consider living in a smaller home. And you’ll love every one of them!

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Minimalism | Conni Biesalski. A minimalist way of living has changed my life in so many amazing ways.

Recently Released Inspiring Videos

How to Upgrade Your Lifestyle Without Spending an Extra Penny | YouTube by Joshua Becker. With the prices of everything going up, how can we improve our lives without spending any extra money? The answer might surprise you.

Golden Handcuffs are Sometimes Silver | YouTube by Joshua Becker. Sometimes the money we make (and spend) keeps us trapped in lives we don’t want to live.

Other Resources

The Curiosity Chronicle by Sahil Bloom. Sahil publishes a free email newsletter twice/week that is focused on actionable, tactical insights that can be immediately implemented for personal development and growth. I signed up for the newsletter a couple years ago and really enjoy it. Maybe you will too.

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