My desire with each Weekend Reads is to provide you with articles and posts that encourage simplicity and minimalist living. Below, you will find links to blog posts and news stories that I hand-picked over the last couple weeks. I hope you find inspiration and practical help inside them.

That is my goal on Becoming Minimalist: to intentionally promote simplicity in a world that needs to hear it.

Time for a Spring Fling | My Sun Day News by Carol Pavlik. My closet is literally stuffed full with clothing, but most mornings, I can’t find any clothes to wear.

How I Practise Minimalism in India | Pure & Eco India by Upasna Sethi. The author is the host of India’s first minimalist podcast, Comeback Minimalist.

7 Reasons to Declutter Your Home (& How it Will Improve Your Well-being) | A Lovely Year. The way we feel about our living space has a big impact on our state of mind, so I guess it’s no big surprise that when our home feels cluttered and chaotic we feel the same.

Get Back on the Minimalist Bandwagon | No Sidebar by Barefoot Minimalists. The most important thing to remember when you feel like you’ve lost sight of your minimalist goals is to regain control. Don’t let one slip up snowball into dozens of meaningless purchases.

20 Ways I’ve Simplified My Life | Simply Fiercely by Jennifer Burger. Whether you’re interested in minimalism or not, you can still enjoy the benefits of a simpler life.

Recently Released Inspiring Videos

How The Convenience Fallacy Contributes to Clutter in Our Home | YouTube by Joshua Becker. By leaving things out in the open, we think we’re saving time when we need them, but the result is a huge source of the visual clutter in our homes.

10 Simple Steps to Make the Most of Every Day | YouTube by Joshua Becker. Today is among the greatest gifts we have ever been given. Let’s use it wisely.

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