Fill your life with stories to tell, not stuff to show.

The simplicity/minimalism movement is a beautiful community. And I enjoy any opportunity to promote writing that encourages people to live more by owning less.

I invite you to fix yourself a nice warm cup of coffee or tea. Find a quiet moment this weekend. And enjoy some encouraging words to inspire more simplicity in your life today.

Experts are Recommending ‘Swedish Death Cleaning’ – and They Say It’s Your Duty to Your Children | Daily Mail by Emily Joshu. Anyone who has lost a family member knows the emotional toll of going through their old stuff, and experts say this type of cleaning could even ease that burden.

Seven Mistakes to Avoid When Decluttering Your Home | The Town Line by Christina Giaquinto. The spring cleaning season is always such a great time to refresh your home and everyday lifestyle.

Minimalism and Simplicity (The Magical Combination) | The Minimalist Vegan by Michael Ofei. Minimalism and simple living represent a mindset. A way of thinking that can be transformational.

10 Tips to Identify Your Minimalist Essentials | No Sidebar by Barefoot Minimalists. Think of your belongings as tools that help you navigate the world with comfort and ease and allow you to engage in activities that bring you joy.


The Uncluttered Course | Becoming Minimalist by Joshua Becker. Are you feeling overwhelmed by clutter and struggling to let go of possessions that no longer serve you? The Uncluttered Course is back and ready to guide you towards a simplified, clutter-free life. With step-by-step guidance, weekly challenges, and a supportive community, this course will give you the tools you need to achieve your decluttering goals. If you want to declutter and just need some extra help to get you there, sign up for the Uncluttered Course today.

Recently Released Inspiring Videos

Why You Don’t Need to Run with the Cool Kids | YouTube by Joshua Becker. If you don’t fit in, then you are probably doing the right thing.

I Don’t Want Friends Impressed by Fancy Things | YouTube by Joshua Becker. The people we spend time with affect us in significant ways. They shape our worldview, our self-esteem, our attitude, and our pursuits. And they influence how we spend our money, our time, and our energy.

Other Resources

1440. Are you tired of biased news? Try 1440. It’s a daily digest of all the most important info in culture, science, sports, politics, business, and everything in between—presented without bias. It’s the fastest way to an informed and impartial point-of-view. I’ve been reading it for months and love it.

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