Your home is your sanctuary. Let’s keep it that way.

Simplicity is about creating space in your life for what matters most. It’s about clearing the clutter from our homes and hearts so we can live with intention and purpose. 

As the world gets busier and noisier, embracing simplicity and minimalism becomes even more important.

But we all need inspiration to keep us going. That’s why I carefully selected these articles for you. I hope they inspire you to continue on this beautiful journey towards a simpler life. 

Find a cozy spot, prepare your favorite drink, and immerse yourself in these thought-provoking reads this weekend.

The Financial And Personal Rewards Of Decluttering Your Life | Forbes by Joshua Becker. Minimalism is an invitation to dream bigger dreams for our lives, reassess our approach to consumption, redefine our values, and carve out room for the things that truly matter.

10 Simple Habits to Maintain a Clutter-Free Home | No Sidebar. The goal isn’t to create a home that’s simply empty, but one that is filled with purpose, meaning, and peace.

10 Daily Habits that Often Waste 90 Percent of Our Time | Marc and Angel Hack Life by Angel Chernoff. Regardless of your unique life situation or how you personally define success, you can’t become an overnight success. You become successful over time from all the little things you do one day at a time.

Rage Against The Off-Site Storage | Living Small by Laura Fenton. Storage units are so often a home for things that we think *might* be valuable. They make it easy to delay dealing with things we no longer need or use.

Recently Released Inspiring Videos

10 Financial Decisions You’ll Regret 10 Years From Now | YouTube by Joshua Becker. When it comes to the decisions we make with our money, our choices today create the reality of our tomorrow. They are the building blocks that shape our future.

Why It’s Important To Work Hard | YouTube by Joshua Becker. I enjoy hard work. I find happiness and joy in it. And I believe, without a doubt in my mind, those who feel the most fulfilled at the end of their lives are those who have chosen to work hard during it.

Other Resources

1440. Are you tired of biased news? Try 1440. It’s a daily digest of all the most important info in culture, science, sports, politics, business, and everything in between—presented without bias. It’s the fastest way to an informed and impartial point-of-view. I’ve been reading it and loving it—and thought you might too.

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