Fill your life with stories to tell, not stuff to show.

The simplicity/minimalism movement is a beautiful community. And I enjoy any opportunity to promote writing that encourages people to live more by owning less.

I invite you to fix yourself a nice warm cup of coffee or tea. Find a quiet moment this weekend. And enjoy some encouraging words to inspire more simplicity in your life today.

HGTV is Making Our Homes Boring and Us Sad, One Study Says | The Washington Post by Rachel Kurzius. A pair of professors found that home renovation media leads homeowners to decorate for the masses, not for their own happiness.

The Hidden Luxury of Living Frugally: A Path Less Traveled | Simple Money by Joshua Becker. Living simply and staying out of debt is better than living large and owing money.

6 Things Minimalists Always Do to Maintain a Tidy Home | The Spruce by Megan McCarty. Insider knowledge of how minimalists maintain a tidy home from Ashley Murphy and Marissa Hagmeyer.

10 Reasons Why a Simple Lifestyle Can Boost Your Happiness | No Sidebar. Simplicity is about choosing the things that add value to your life and discarding the rest. Here are 10 reasons why you should simplify your life.

The Incredible Power of Focusing for 15 Minutes | Happy Simple Living by Eliza Cross. We can do amazing things by when we take small steps with consistency and perseverance.

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10 Ways Minimalism Will Help You Be Less Busy | YouTube by Joshua Becker. Sometimes it seems as if being busy has become a badge of honor we love to wear. But does this endless chase ever bring true fulfillment? Doubtful. Here’s how to be less busy.

10 Things We’ve Never Regretted Spending Money On with Kids | YouTube by Joshua Becker. Because we have pursued minimalism for the last 12 years, and have spent less money on possessions, we have more money left over for other things which we have found helpful as a family.

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