For the last ten years, I have been compiling and publishing curated articles that inspire simplicity. At first, it was an exercise in communicating to Becoming Minimalist readers the most popular articles I sent out on Twitter.

But over the years, it has become more than that. It has become a place where people (every other week) come for a dose of inspiration. And it has become a place to promote and encourage writers around the world who are publishing content about minimalism, simplicity, and intentional living.

I think you will enjoy this collection of articles hand-selected for you this weekend. Grab some coffee, tea, or lemonade and be inspired to live a simpler life today.

12,795 possessions! Meet the Woman Who Photographed Every Single Thing She Owns | The Guardian by Guy Lane. Most significantly, she says, she came to realize that “only 1{a88c2e440a3fe0d009682811ffc0ce83172d8ed124d1bbbcc9619763e6f2b009} of these objects are important: 99{a88c2e440a3fe0d009682811ffc0ce83172d8ed124d1bbbcc9619763e6f2b009} I could get rid of.”

“Make Your Coffee at Home” And 50 Other Simple Habits to Save Money | Simple Money by Joshua Becker. In a world where we’re bombarded with options to spend, saving money can often feel like an uphill battle. But small, daily habits can make a big difference to your wallet over time.

The 80/20 Rule Helps Simplify Life | The Simple Swan by Alicia Woodward. The 80/20 Rule can help us simplify our work by identifying the most essential tasks and eliminating the time-wasters.

An A-Z Guide to Getting Decluttered | No Sidebar. An A-Z guide that breaks down the decluttering process into manageable tasks, making it easier to achieve a clean, organized home.

Does Minimalism Narrow the Mind or Broaden Your Horizons? | Balance Through Simplicity by Antonia. “Whilst minimalism is a lifestyle, it’s also a wonderful mechanism for personal growth. For finding out what you want in life and how you want that life to look.”

Decluttering Sentimental Items | Little Minimalist on the Prairies by Lauren. Sentimental items can be an extremely difficult category to tackle, but here are a few tips and tricks to help you.

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10 Signs You Own Too Much Stuff | YouTube by Joshua Becker. The stuff we accumulate affects us in countless ways. It influences the rest we find at home and the role we get to play in the world. Feel like you have too much clutter? Here are 10 signs you own too much stuff.

7 Steps to a Minimalist Wardrobe | YouTube by Joshua Becker. Sometimes it’s easy to become overwhelmed by clothes. If you dread opening the closet every morning and are interested in a minimal capsule wardrobe, here are 7 easy tips to get you started.

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