“We could realise that what we thought was success, was just excess.”

As we begin to see some countries (like Australia) relax their pandemic restrictions and allow the general public back into society at varying levels, naturally our attention turns to what that new version of daily life might look like.

In this host-only chat, Ben and I discuss what we hope the ‘new normal’ might entail, whether we should simply be re-entering or re-booting society, and what each of us can do now in order to set that in motion. 

We also look at how Australia’s government is talking up a “snap back” to pre-virus ways of doing things, and how that seems to mean a re-entry to the old way of doing things and a return to old problems. Ben poses the question of what would happen if we instead rebooted back into society: rebooting the way we managed our finance, our view on the environment and even our values?

We have a juicy chat about what this means to us and our values, why we’ll spend the next couple of months reframing what success looks like and why we’re taking heart even amidst the pain and uncertainty. 

I also wanted to provide some journal/conversation prompts to help you question what our new normal might look like.

  • Picture a brighter, better future post-Covid

    • What does it look like?

    • How do I feel when I imagine it?

    • What excites me about it?

    • What about it feels aligned with my values?

    • Let this vision settle in to my heart, let it permeate the discomfort and uncertainty. Believe that it’s possible.

  • What specific experiences during isolation have I found positive?

  • What about ‘normal life’ am I not looking forward to?

  • Have my priorities changed as a result of lockdown?

  • Has my idea of success changed as a result of the pandemic?

    • What was it pre-Covid?

    • What is it now?

  • Are there things in my life (worries, expectations, goals etc) that I can simply let go of in this new normal?

  • What’s one thing I can do today that will bring this vision closer?

I found this a really challenging, hopeful, cathartic conversation to have, and it really stirred a curiosity in me. If we could envision a better, post-Covid world, what would it look like?

Head over to iTunes to subscribe to the show and play the episode.

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