In this public episode of The Minimalists Podcast, The Minimalists discuss minimalist trade-offs, non-objects, pleasures that can’t be purchased, and more. Listen to the full Maximal episode on The Minimalists Private Podcast.

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Discussed in This Episode

  • How do you decide between two things when you have the money for only one?
  • What is your favorite pleasure that money can’t buy?
  • Listener tip: The Imagination Library.
  • Does it call more attention to your clothes if you’re a minimalist who refuses to wear logos?
  • How can I turn my smartphone into a simple distraction-free device?
  • How do you decide whether you should get rid of a sentimental item or keep it?
  • Do you keep track of a “to be read” list for books?
  • What should I do if my partner thinks my newfound minimalism is just a phase?
  • How do JFM and T.K. remember so many quotes, passages, and lyrics?
  • Obsolete Object: Sarah’s food dehydrator.

Minimal Maxims

Joshua, Ryan, and T.K.’s pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character responses. Find more quotes from The Minimalists at

  • A thirsty person is more susceptible to contaminated water.
  • Money saves time, but it can’t buy the courage to be present.
  • Buying a Rolex will not buy you more time.
  • Money buys presents, not presence.
  • There’s no refund for misspent time.
  • The absence of tattoos is the new tattoo.
  • Logos are not bad, but corporations are not a proxy for self-expression.
  • Every distraction is a straightjacket that obstructs your freedom.
  • There are no sentimental items, only sentimental people.
  •  If it gets in the way, it’s clutter.
  •  “Have to” can strangle the joy out of “get to.”
  •  Benefits are more persuasive than doctrine.

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Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Post-Production Peter

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