Are you simplifying together (with support and encouragement) or simplifying on your own? You may have noticed in life that things are easier and even more enjoyable when you have support instead of trying to push through on your own. It works the same way for simplicity.

It’s more of a struggle to simplify your life, from decluttering and slowing down to paying down debt or taking better care of yourself when the people around you don’t have the same vision. That said, this scenario is not that uncommon. I get an incredible number of emails from people asking questions like, “How do I get my partner on board to stop shopping?” or “How do I tell my parents I don’t want so many gifts over the holidays?” It can feel really lonely to be alone in a big change. Here come’s the good news …

Even though you can’t make other people do what’s best for you, it’s not all doom and gloom.

Simplifying Together: 3 Ways To Get The Help And Support You Deserve

1. Show the people around you why simplicity is important to you.

Instead of complaining about clutter or insisting that friends and family get on board (we all know how well that works), tell them why it’s important to you to simplify your life. While you might not be simplifying together at first, things may change. If you want to be happier, feel better, be more present or stop worrying all the time, tell the people around you how you think simplicity could help. Share a book or a documentary so they can learn on their own too. Sometimes the message is more easily accepted when they hear it from someone other than you. This way they can see how simplicity may benefit them too. It’s more likely they will see the possibilities in other people’s stories who have accomplished the things you are telling them about.

2. Be clear when you ask for what you need most.

You might not be able to change how the people around you think about the changes you are making but you can ask for what you want and need. For instance, if you know people in your household won’t simplify with you, perhaps they will celebrate your accomplishments or listen when you want to vent about something. Make it easier for them to support you by letting them know what you are looking for. For instance, “I don’t need advice or feedback, but I’d love to celebrate my decluttered closet with you.” or “This is been a hard day of letting go, do you mind listening while I vent a bit?”

3. Give yourself the support you deserve.

Join me and hundreds of thoughtful, like-hearted simplifiers in The Simplicity Space. I’d love to support your simplicity journey and our simplicity support system may be just what you are looking for to make real progress. Simplicity takes time. It took me years to become clutter-free, debt-free and stressful job-free. Taking tiny steps, celebrating my progress along the way and cultivating a support system was essential.

A few reminders to consider as you simplify your life.

Big change usually comes with some slipping and sliding, a few steps forward and then even more steps backward. Don’t beat yourself up or let guilt hold you back from trying again. Be good to yourself. Take care of your body, heart, mind, and soul. Good things take time. You’ve got this.

If your heart isn’t in the game, permanent change doesn’t stand a chance. Really understand your motivation to change. What’s pulling on your heart? For instance, simplifying your life for the sake of clean countertops may not speak to your heart but simplifying your life for better health, less stress and more presence in your relationships … now it’s a matter of the heart.

You don’t have to wait until you are debt free, clutter free, or living as simply as possible to enjoy your life. Find little ways to enjoy the simpler life you are creating each day. Take a long walk. Cook a simple meal. Spend a phone free evening with people you love. The success of this journey does not depend on the end result but instead how you live it every day.

When you find yourself pushing through, see if there are ways to ease through instead. Your simplicity journey will likely take some time so consistency will be more important than intensity. Go slowly and be gentle with yourself as you release clutter, busyness and overwhelm to to be happier, feel better, be more present and simplify your life. 

Join us for the next 3-months or the next year in THE SIMPLICITY SPACE and simplify your life with live calls, a beautiful, private community (not on Facebook) and a library full of workshops, interviews and other resources to support your journey. Simplifying together makes a big difference.

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