Weekend Wisdom: If catching up worked, you’d be caught up by now.

Doing less, not trying too hard.

If you are feeling stressed or anxious because of all the things you have to do, it’s time for a check-in. Get all the things on paper (so they aren’t running around in your brain keeping you up at night). Next, in a calm-ish setting, go through the list. When you think, “I HAVE to do this” ask yourself this very important and simple question, “Do I?” Decide if the thing is on your list just because it’s been there for so long, or because you’ve always done that thing or because other people think you should do that thing. Before you try to get more organized, more productive or more of whatever else you think you are missing to get more done, challenge yourself to remove as many things as you can from your list. Don’t forget to let go of some of the good stuff too. Sometimes removing the pressure of doing more things is better than doing even the good things. I’m going through this process myself and discovering that I don’t have to do as much as I think.

Ok … onto the favorites

Slow is the new busy.

If you need more inspiration to take walks, try one of these mindful walks.

7 tiny steps to help you set better boundaries.

If you are overdoing it, it might be time for some bed rotting.

A radical new technique for getting through a hard time.

I’m really enjoying this feel good summer playlist.

This book is creepier than my usual reads.

A fun mother daughter q & a.

8 tiny notes to help you create time for what you love.

Since I love this author, I’m excited to listen to this audiobook.

10 minimalist blogs for 2023.

My whites are bright even though I wash everything together.

This show keeps getting better.

26 morning routine ideas.

Plants can help you sleep.

The social media lottery.

6 things to declutter before fall.

For a happier life, let go of these 7 things.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @garyware with an important PSA.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a lovely, restorative, gentle weekend.


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