Weekend Wisdom: I choose to reject productivity culture and be gentle instead.

Finding my way.

The last week has been a mishmash of leaves falling, working on my new book, going to bed really early, gentle pilates, slow walks, technical frustrations, ginger shots, lovely conversations, coffee in the afternoon sunshine, lots of Taylor Swift, Slackwater Pizza, podcast recording sessions, plant care, sneaker shopping, Thanksgiving Google Docs and grocery lists, snail mail (thanks Haley), making gifts, and most importantly, leaving lots of room in between everything. I used to forget to make space in between in the name of getting it all done. Now I know that the rest, breath, noticing and healing that happens in between means more to me and positively impacts how I feel, treat people and do my work. As the year gets fuller and fuller before it comes to an end, don’t forget to make space in between.

Ok … onto the favorites

99 ways to slow down and enjoy the present moment.

The only Thanksgiving Prep Guide you’ll ever need.

Tune in here for wonderful holiday book, movie and food recommendations.

I am reading this book and listening to this one.

8 ways to let go of past regrets.

You can give this gift to everyone, no wrapping required.

How to get through the holidays when you are grieving.

If you want to spread a little love, here are 30 ways to be kind.

This winter vibes playlist is really setting the mood around here.

If you are just starting your simplicity journey, read these 2 books.

Another reason I’m a fan of simple pleasures.

After a bad night’s sleep, here’s how to salvage your day (NYT Gift Link)

10 (pre-holiday) things to declutter right now.

It might be time to clean the 9 dirtiest places in your kitchen.

22 non-alcoholic mocktails and Thanksgiving drinks.

If you love taking a walk as much as I do, let’s celebrate these 6 unexpected health benefits.

Why you might want to stop getting organized.

Body image issues can weigh us down, here’s another perspective.

How to prevent declutter regret.

Take care of yourself over the holidays by considering these 25 simple suggestions.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @thelifeonpurposemovement for sharing my words to remind us all that we can say no before we are busy and overwhelmed.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a soft, restorative, gentle weekend (with lots of space in between).

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