Weekend Wisdom: When we try to juggle everything, we can’t enjoy anything.


I went away last weekend and enjoyed some cooler air and wonderful thunderstorms. It really got me in the mood for fall. If you haven’t signed up for the free Tiny Step Simplicity Challenge, it’s time! This is the last call because we get started tomorrow. Join me for a week of live calls (plus replays), a daily action step, fun bonuses and Bingo (with prizes). You can learn more and sign up here. 

Ok … onto the favorites

Currently reading this book.

8 sneaky habits that are destroying your sleep.

Break your impulse shopping habits with this money hack.

The best way to take care of yourself during a big transition.

For calmer, healthier mornings, try these 15 microhabits.

8 things to declutter before September hits.

Romanticize your life with this lovely playlist.

10 cozy shows for Gilmore Girls fans.

Savor your life with these slow living habits.

5 benefits of making the minimalist switch.

For extra motivation to simplify your life, enjoy these 21 quotes.

A little glimpse of my weekend away.

Don’t forget to join the Tiny Step Simplicity Challenge!


Miss your friends? Here are 4 strategies to help you reach out (NYT gift link)

20 tips for keeping clutter off your counters.

If you want to feel happier, try this daily 2-minute habit.


It’s time to stop the madness.


If you are feeling stressed, it may be time for a forest bath.

3 simple ways to recharge.

You’ll regret decluttering these 7 things from your life.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @thelovelandfoundation with a great suggestion. I’m going to try it!

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of slow mornings, lazy afternoons and lots of delight.


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