Weekend Wisdom: When I get frustrated and wish I had it all figured out, I remember that the messiest times in my life have inspired the most profound change and growth. 

Getting inspired.

Lately I’m spending less time on social media and more time reading books, writing a book and intentionally seeking inspiration from somewhere other than my phone or computer. I like the connection that social media offers and am easily entertained there but it can tend to lull me into total apathy, not remembering or enjoying much of anything. At the end of a month or two, I’ll see if I learned anything from being scroll-free and report back. So far, just like any version of a digital sabbatical I’ve engaged in, I notice that I kind of forget it about it when I’m not engaging regularly.

Ok … onto the favorites

If you want to make a donation to support victims of the Hawaii wildfires, this is where I donated.

5 unpopular opinions that will simplify your life (a little surprised that the one that I’m getting the most feedback about is number one).

I love when friends introduce me to bold and brilliant art.

My next infusion for MS is coming up so I’ll be turning to this list of shows I can watch all day long.

Grateful that my childhood punishments are now my daily goals.

Things we aren’t making time for anymore.

If you are into weekend relaxing as much as I am, turn up these tunes.

The 9 dirtiest places in your kitchen.

Since I’m avoiding social media clutter, I thought I’d listen to a podcast about it.

A hidden currency to incalculable worth.

Say goodbye to these 5 things for more ease.

The #1 way to strengthen your mind is to use your body.

I want to visit all of them.

72 ideas to help you simplify your life today.

Don’t forget to look up this weekend.

5 ways to reduce your stress levels.

This time last year I wrote about releasing sentimental items.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @corymuscara with the truthiest truth.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a lovely, restorative, gentle weekend.

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