Weekend Wisdom: When an appointment cancels or something falls off of your to-do list, don’t replace it. Embrace the space and take it for yourself.


Even though it’s been raining, sleeting and snowing off and on all week, we are blooming over here. Spring always reminds me of this lovely saying, “Be patient with yourself. Nothing in nature blooms all year.”

Ok … onto the favorites

8 ways to remove stress from your mornings.

If you want to get a grip on mindless spending, read this.

How to become a more attentive listener.

When you can’t resist your stupid little phone before bed, try this.

Life hacks.

If you feel trapped in routine, this is how to rediscover joy.

This is the playlist for Sunday Brunch.

Five 10-minute decluttering projects.

How to practice Shinrin-Yoku (and why you’ll want to).

I’m starting this audiobook soon.

Why I never feel bad about saying, “no” to things.

If you think you didn’t get enough done today, you might be wrong.

The dirty dozen and how to wash them.

Maybe you need a little floor time.

How to break free from busyness.

6 decluttering mistakes.


Simplify your life with these 10 daily habits.


Today’s Instagram favorite is from @tobemagnetic with encouragement if healing feels like a struggle. It’s never a straight line.

I hope you enjoy this edition of Weekend Favorites and have a weekend full of joy, peace and love.


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